speaker's page
Everything you need to know...
If you are the Speaker Finder for an Organisation, this is the page for you! This is where we distill all the information you might be interested in, in a very short format, so that you can decide if a Fool’s Gold show is right for you.
Scroll down for all the info...

The Information
What is it?
Our show is essentially musical. We sing songs and play music - but there’s a bit more to it than that.
All of our songs have stories; histories, mysteries, tragedies, and romances that lie hidden behind them. We tell those stories - accompanied by some great projected images - and then perform the songs live, again with projected images. Some of our songs are original, and many are very familiar, (you will sing along!) and many shows are themed.
What shows do you have?
For 2023/24 there is a wide choice:
Stormy Stories (our introductory show - a varied selection of stories and songs) This is very popular - so much so that there is now also 'Stormy Stories 2!
Bang Up To The Elephant! (Victorian stories and songs)
Beat The Drum (Our WW1 Remembrance Show - very popular in November)
Old King Coal (North East - and countrywide - songs and stories from down the mine.
Dark Light - a true and unsolved mystery. This is a condensed version of our popular Theatre programme.
New for 2024: 'The Ballad of Soapy Smith' - the true story of a genuine Wild West Outlaw and conman. Fascinating tale, a bit of a mystery, and some great new (and old) songs!
You can find more details about the shows here
How much does it cost?
I should have put this first!
We try to keep our shows as cost-effective as possible. The basic show fee is usually £85.
We do need to consider the fuel costs involved to get to and from individual venues. This is calculated on a mileage basis and we do it at cost!
What do you need from us?
Just venue and access details. We bring all of our own equipment (PAT tested), and you are very welcome to use our gear for announcements, etc. If your venue has a nice big screen we may ask if we might use it, otherwise, we have one with us. Access to electricity is all we need.
Hang on; I’d like to check you out first - how can I do that?
There are some quotes elsewhere on the site from people we have played for, and you are very welcome to look at our past shows list on the gigs page (here) and ask anyone at all (There’s a couple of hundred to choose from) what they thought.
What do I need to do?
Just get in touch and arrange a date! We’d love to come and play for you.
(after that you can sit back and leave it to us). You can email, ring or use the contact form on the home page.