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Ancient Paper

About The Shows

Our shows combine stories - that's the stories about the songs - live music and projected visuals with live performances of the songs. All the shows feature a mixture of original and well-known music, joining in is virtually mandatory!

We play for organisations (U3A, WI, TWG, Probus, et alia). We play for Village Halls, Community Groups, and Museums and perform lots of shows in Churches. Our contact details are on the home page!

The only real question is; which show do you fancy..?

Stormy Stories


Many people choose this show as their introduction to Fool’s Gold. Basically, it is a collection of songs - well-known and original, loosely arranged under the 'Stormy Stories' title. Although some songs are very familiar, their stories are usually new to audiences. Lots of singing, joining in, and a good few laughs in this one. The songs are supported by their stories and fascinating visuals.


'Bang up to the Elephant’


The tile usually gets people interested in this one! Essentially this show is concerned with all things Victorian. Murders, Doctors, High Adventure, and the working poor all make an appearance. Original music is mixed in with well-known can’t-help-but-join-in Victorian Songs you didn’t know you knew. Again, stories and visuals introduce, explain and support the music.

click here for a digital copy of the show book


Beat The Drum


Beat the Drum is a musical commemoration of the First World War, supported by projected images and video, enhanced and told by story sections relating to Private Michael Heaviside V.C. Michael was a Pitman in 1914 but found himself in France, and rather to his own surprise, a VC hero. The visuals are often poignant, but there are a few (surprising) lighter moments along the way!

The show features a variety of music, including songs from the period and original pieces. 

Fool’s Gold play all the music live, and the running time is a little over an hour. The show can be split and extended to enable a two-part show with an interval.

Lots more about 'Beat the Drum' here


Waters of Tyme


A musical journey through time down the River Tyne. Traditional Geordie songs are here as are our original songs too. The subjects are the people, places, industries, and events that made the Tyne, the ‘Black River’.

Great visuals and some fascinating tales complete this programme.


Old King Coal


People have always liked our mining songs. We’re fascinated by mining history - especially insofar as it impacted the little people - the miners, wives, and their children. Their stories, the conditions they lived and worked in, and how they let off steam are the subjects of this show. Lots of opportunities to join in as well as the stories and of course, some compelling visuals.

'The Ballad of Soapy Smith'


New for 2023, this story is the true tale of a Wild West con man and his adventurous life. It's a fascinating tale of a crime empire in the 1870s and a bit of a mystery too! Some great new visuals support this story, plus new songs and old ones too - and you didn't know you knew them!


Dark Light - live!


Dark Light began during lockdown as a show created for Zoom - it was hugely popular! This is the live version; can your audience solve a musical mystery - based on the true story of the disappearance of three Lighthousemen from The Flannan Islands in 1900. This Show has already completed a highly successful tour in 2023.

An Evening with Fool's Gold

This is a general 'catch-all' programme which can be tailored to suit and the format is flexible too - we can accommodate most things!

Of course, it can be 'A Morning', or 'An Afternoon!

Requirements from venues


We are entirely self-contained and travel with all our own equipment. For evening performances we use simple stage lighting to create a great atmosphere. All our equipment is PAT certified. Our requirements from venues are therefore very simple and straightforward:

  • Time to set up. We require some time before doors to set up our equipment to provide the best show possible and ensure everything is ready. In some smaller venues where the requirement is for less equipment, this is reduced. We can do our shows acoustically, with a minimum of gear, but this is best in small spaces with small audiences.

  • Access to a power supply. Ideally, three standard power sockets are required, but we can usually manage happily with less.

  • If a venue has a large projection screen (larger than the one we can travel with) or an installed projection system we may politely ask to use that.


Fees and expenses


The important bit! We always work hard with venues to try to operate within a budget. For daytime performance engagements for groups and organisations , we usually seem to attract a show fee of £85+ travel expenses.

Full evening shows in Village Halls are usually costed at £200. However, we do have to ask very politely if expenses might be taken into consideration as we travel all over the UK from our base in Durham.

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there's also a  contact form at the foot of the home page

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